St John The Evangelist Church Sidcup

The Henry Willis Organ Specification

he 1926 Willis Organ
pedal organ
1.    Contra Bourdon  (from 4)            32
2.    Open Bass                                   16
3.    Violone  (from 19)                        16
4.    Bourdon                                      16
5.    Violoncello  (from 19)                    8
6.    Flute  (from 4)                                8
7.    Trombone  (from 27)                    16
 i  Choir to Pedal    ii Great to Pedal
iii Swell to Pedal    iv Swell Octave to Pedal
 swell organ
8.    Geigen Diapason                          8
9.    Rohr Flute                                    8
10.  Echo Viole                                   8
11.  Viole Celestes                               8
12.  Octave Geigen                              4
13.  Fifteenth                                       2
14.  Harmonics  17.19.22                     III
15.  Waldhorn                                    16
16.  Cornopean                                   8
17.  Oboe                                            8
18.  Vox Humana                                8
 v  Tremolo    vi Swell Octave
vii Swell Sub Octave    viii Swell Unison Off
great organ 
19.  Violone                                        16
20.  Open Diapason No 1                   8
21.  Open Diapason No 2                   8
22.  Tibia                                             8
23.  Principal                                       4
24.  Harmonic Flute                            4
25.  Twelfth                                        2
26.  Fifteenth                                       2
27.  Tuba                                             8
 ix  Choir to Great    x Swell Sub Octave to Great
xi Swell Octave to Great    xii Swell to Great
choir organ
28.  Open Diapason                            8
29.  Stopped Diapason                        8
30.  Dulciana                                       8
31.  Flute                                             4
32.  Flageolet                                       2
33.  Sext  12.17                                    II
34.  Clarinet                                         8
35.  Tuba  (from 27)                             8
 xiii  Swell to Choir    xiv Swell Octave to Choir 
xv Swell Sub Octave to Choir
Six general pistons
Six foot pistons to the Pedal Organ
Six foot pistons to the Swell Organ
Six pistons to the Swell Organ
Six pistons to the Great Organ
Six pistons to the Choir Organ
Generals on Pedal foot pistons
Great and Pedal combinations coupled
Reversible foot pistons: ii, xii
Reversible pistons: i-iii, ix, xii, xiii
8 divisional piston memories
64 channel capture system
Balanced expression pedal to the Swell Organ
Manual compass: 61 notes; Pedal: 31 notes
The National Pipe Organ Register Link for St John the evangelist:
The National Pipe Organ Register - NPOR